职称 教授
学位 博士
政治面貌 中共党员
电话 027-87281687
邮箱 yrcao@mail.hzau.edu.cn
研究方向 根瘤菌共生固氮
1997-2001 山东师范大学 生命科学学院 生物科学专业 学士学位
2001-2004 山东师范大学 生命科学学院 发育生物学 硕士学位
2004-2008 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所 遗传学 博士学位
2008-2012 威斯康星大学—麦迪逊校区 博士后
2012-2015 密苏里大学—哥伦比亚校区,博士后
2015-至今 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院,教授
1. Huang R, Li Z, Mao C, Zhang H, Sun Z, Li H, Huang C, Feng Y, Shen X, Bucher M, Zhang Z, Lin Y, Cao Y*, Duanmu D*. 2019. Natural variation at OsCERK1 regulates arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in rice. New Phytol. DOI: 10.1111/nph.16158
2. Yin J, Guan X, Zhang H, Wang L, Li H, Zhang Q, Chen T, Xu Z, Hong Z, Cao Y*, Zhang Z*. 2019. An MAP kinase interacts with LHK1 and regulates nodule organogenesis in Lotus japonicus. Sci China Life Sci. 62(9):1203-1217
3. Yu H, Bao H, Zhang Z, Cao Y*. 2019. Immune signaling pathway during terminal bacteroid differentiation in nodules.Trends Plant Sci. 24: 299-3024.
4. Zhang L, Liu JY, Gu H, Du Y, Zuo JF, Zhang Z, Zhang M, Li P, Dunwell JM, Cao Y, Zhang Z, Zhang YM. 2018. Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens USDA 110- Glycine max Interactome Provides Candidate Proteins Associated with Symbiosis. J Proteome Res. 17:3061-3074
5. Yu H, Xiao A, Dong R, Fan Y, Zhang X, Liu C, Wang C, Zhu H, Duanmu D, Cao Y*, Zhang Z*. 2018. Suppression of innate immunity mediated by the CDPK‐Rboh complex is required for rhizobial colonization in Medicago truncatula nodules. New Phytol. 220: 425-434
6. Li H, Chen M, Duan L, Zhang T, Cao Y, Zhang Z. 2018. Domain swap approach reveals the critical roles of different domains of SymRK in root nodule symbiosis in Lotus japonicus. Front Plant Sci. 9:697
7. Chen D, Cao Y, Li H, Kim D, Ahsan N, Thelen J, Stacey G. 2017. Extracellular ATP elicits DORN1-mediated RBOHD phosphorylation to regulate stomatal aperture. Nat Commun. 2017 8: 2265.
8. Chen T, Duan L, Zhou B, Yu H, Zhu H, Cao Y, Zhang Z. 2017. Interplay of Pathogen-Induced Defense Responses and Symbiotic Establishment in Medicago truncatula. Front. Microbiol. 8:973
9. Liao D#, Cao Y#, Sun X, Espinoza C, Nguyen CT, Liang Y, Stacey G. 2017. Arabidopsis E3 ubiquitin ligase PLANT U-BOX13 (PUB13) regulates chitin receptor LYSIN MOTIF RECEPTOR KINASE5 (LYK5) protein abundance. New Phytol. 214:1646-1656.
10. Cao Y, Halane MK, Gassmann W, Stacey G. 2017. The role of plant innate immunity in the legume-rhizobium symbiosis. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 68:535-561
11. Nguyen CT, Tanaka K, Cao Y, Cho SH, Xu D, Stacey G. 2016. Computational Analysis of the Ligand Binding Site of the Extracellular ATP Receptor, DORN1. PLoS One. 11: e0161894.
12. Wang C, Yu H, Luo L, Duan L, Cai L, He X, Wen J, Mysore KS, Li G, Xiao A, Duanmu D, Cao Y, Hong Z, Zhang Z.2016. NODULES WITH ACTIVATED DEFENSE 1 is required for maintenance of rhizobial endosymbiosis in Medicago truncatula. New Phytol. 212:176-91.
13. Tao J, Cao Y, Chen H, Wei W, Li Q, Ma B, Zhang W, Chen S, and Zhang J. 2015. Tobacco TCTP interacts with ethylene receptor NTHK1 and enhances plant growth through promotion of cell division. Plant Physiol. 169:96-114.
14. Cao Y, Liang Y, Tanaka K, Nguyen CT, Jedrzejczak RP, Joachimiak A, and Stacey G. 2014. LYK5 is the main chitin receptor in Arabidopsis and forms a chitin-induced complex with CERK1. Elife. e03766.