核心提示: 近日,我校农业微生物资源发掘与利用全国重点实验室、资源与环境学院蔡鹏教授团队提出了一种利用合成微生物群落管理田间杂草,从而减少传统除草剂用量的策略,相关研究成果以“Integrated application of synthetic community reduces consumption of herbicide in field Phalaris minor control”为题在Soil Ecology Letters上以Cover Story的形式发表。
南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 吴尘聊)近日,我校农业微生物资源发掘与利用全国重点实验室、资源与环境学院蔡鹏教授团队提出了一种利用合成微生物群落管理田间杂草,从而减少传统除草剂用量的策略,相关研究成果以“Integrated application of synthetic community reduces consumption of herbicide in field Phalaris minor control”为题在Soil Ecology Letters上以Cover Story的形式发表。

基于上述背景,该团队先在温室条件下测试了从杂草和小麦根际分离的4个假单胞菌菌株,构建多种合成群落后,以典型杂草小子虉草(Phalaris minor)评估其与不同剂量除草剂联合施用时的除草潜力。他们发现,特定组成的合成群落(C4),与低剂量除草剂联合使用时能对杂草产生高效的抑制。值得注意的是,即使没有除草剂的帮助,该组合也显著促进了小麦的生长。这一发现强调了有益根际细菌的关键作用,它可以通过产生各种代谢产物来降低杂草密度并确保作物产量。
为了检验该合成群落在实际生产中可能的效用,该团队以该组合投入大田实验,在与不同剂量的除草剂进行混合施用后他们发现, C4组合不仅可以有效缓解除草剂对小麦的副作用,改善小麦的生长状况。同时,配合施用该合成群落后即使降低除草剂的投入(50%-75%),依然能显著减少杂草引起的小麦产量损失(8%-22%),效果显著优于单独施用高浓度除草剂。

华中农业大学资源与环境学院博士生Amina Hadayat为论文第一作者,高春辉副研究员为论文通讯作者。该研究得到了巴基斯坦高等教育委员会技术发展基金项目、国家自然科学基金和中央高校基本科研业务的资助。
摘要:To address environmental concerns and manage resistant weeds, there is a growing demand for eco-friendly alternatives. In this study, we propose the integration of synthetic communities (SynComs) to reduce herbicide consumption. Four SynComs, consisting of bacteria isolated from weed or wheat rhizospheres, were first evaluated under greenhouse conditions. All SynComs enhanced wheat growth, which was manifested by increased Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) values and fresh biomass. At the same time, SynCom C4 effectively reduced SPAD values and fresh biomass of the infesting weed, Phalaris minor, when combined with low-dose Axial herbicide. A field trial was then conducted using the C4 SynCom and various doses of Axial (100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%). Remarkably, the combination of C4 with 50% and 75% Axial significantly improved wheat growth by mitigating the side effects of herbicide on wheat. Weed infestation reduced grain yield by 16% and 25% at the dose of 50% and 75% Axial, respectively. The combination of Axial with C4 rescued up to 22% of grain yield loss under infested weed compared with Axial alone. Our findings suggested that the combination of herbicides with SynComs exhibited synergistic effects for controlling Phalaris minor and promoting wheat growth, so that such combination provides a sustainable and eco-friendly weed control strategy.