职称 教授
学位 博士
政治面貌 致公党党员
电话 027-87284292
邮箱 yonganzhang@mail.hzau.edu.cn
研究方向 鱼类免疫与病害防控
长期从事鱼类免疫与病害防控研究,发表SCI论文近100篇,其中两篇以封面文章形式发表在免疫学领域顶级刊物Nature Immunology上。近5年来的研究工作主要集中在鱼类先天性免疫应答机制方面:阐明了鱼类干扰素的负调控机制,揭示了鱼类SVCV和GCRV病毒的免疫逃逸机制,解析了鱼类Cathelicidin抗菌肽的构效关系及其对B细胞杀菌功能的促进机制。此外,积极研发用于预防草鱼出血病和罗非鱼链球菌病等主要经济鱼类病害的口服基因工程疫苗,获批国家发明专利2项。
1. 国家重点研发计划蓝色粮仓科技创新专项(水产动物疫病发生的分子基础与免疫机制)课题,宿主免疫效应因子与抗感染免疫稳态调控(2018YFD0900505),2018/12-2022/12,692万元
2. 国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金,鱼类先天免疫(31725026),2018/01-2022/12,400万元
3. 湖北省自然科学基金创新群体项目,鱼类病毒病的发生机理(2018CFA011),2018/01-2020/12,50万元
4. 企业委托,罗非鱼和草鱼疫苗新技术开发,2017/01-2019/12,90万元
5. 国家重点基础研究发展(973)计划(养殖鱼类蛋白质高效利用的调控机制)课题,鱼类的摄食选择与消化道健康(2014CB138601),2014/01-2018/8,607万元,已结题
6. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)(分子模块设计育种创新体系)子课题,鲤抗病分子模块解析-3(XDA08010207-3),2013/08-2017/12,280万元,已结题
7. 武汉东湖新技术开发区“3551光谷人才计划”专项资金,草鱼疾病诊断试剂盒、疫苗和免疫增强剂的研发,2013/06-2016/05,100万元,已结题
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,重要养殖鱼类IgD和IgT的免疫功能及其与IgM的比较研究(31172431),2012/01-2015/12,61万元,已结题
1. Li S, Lu L F, Liu S B, Zhang C, Li Z C, Zhou X Y & Zhang Y A*. Spring viraemia of carp virus modulates p53 expression using two distinct mechanisms. PLoS Pathogens. 2019, 15(3):e1007695. (通讯作者)
2. Li S, Lu L F, Li Z C, Zhang C, Zhou X Y, Zhou Y & Zhang Y A*. Zebrafish MVP recruits and degrades TBK1 to suppress IFN production. Journal of Immunology 2019, 202 (2): 559-566. (通讯作者)
3. Lu L F, Li S, Wang Z X, Liu S B, Chen D D & Zhang Y A*. Zebrafish NDRG1a Negatively Regulates Interferon Induction by Promoting the Degradation of IRF7. Journal of Immunology 2019, 202 (1): 119-130. (通讯作者)
4. Lu X B, Wang Z X, Liu S B, Zhang X Y, Lu L F, Chen D D, Nie P & Zhang Y A*. Interferon regulatory factors 1 and 2 play different roles in MHC II expression mediated by CIITA in grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella. Frontiers in Immunology 2019, (in press). (通讯作者)
5. Su Y L, Wang B, Hu M D, Cui Z W, Wan J, Bai H, Yang Q, Cui Y F, Xiong L, Wan C H, Zhang Y A* & Geng H*. Site-specific N-glycan Characterization of Grass carp Serum IgM. Frontiers in Immunology 2018, 9: 2645. (共同通讯作者)
6. Zhang X J, Wang P, Zhang N, Chen D D, Nie P, Li J L & Zhang Y A*. B cell functions can be modulated by antimicrobial peptides in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss: novel insights into the innate nature of b cells in fish. Frontiers in Immunology 2017, 8: 388. (通讯作者)
7. Lu L F, Li S, Wang Z X, Du S Q, Chen D D, Nie P& Zhang Y A*. Grass Carp Reovirus VP41 Targets Fish MITA to Abrogate the IFN Response. Journal of Virology 2017, 91: e00390-17. (通讯作者)
8. Li S, Lu L F, Wang Z X, Lu X B, Chen D D, Nie P & Zhang Y A*. The P Protein of Spring Viremia of Carp Virus Negatively Regulates Fish IFN Response by Inhibiting the Kinase Activity of TANK-binding kinase 1. Journal of Virology 2016, 90 (23): 10728-10737. (通讯作者)
9. Lu L F, Li S, Lu X B, Scott E L, Zhang N, Zhang X J, Chen D D, Nie P & Zhang Y A*. Spring viremia of carp virus N protein suppresses fish IFNφ1 production by targeting the mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein. Journal of Immunology 2016, 196 (9): 3744-3753. (通讯作者)
10. Zhang X J, Zhang X Y, Zhang N, Guo X, Peng K S, Wu H, Lu L F, Wu N, Chen D D, Li S, Nie P & Zhang Y A*. Distinctive structural hallmarks and biological activities of the multiple cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides in a primitive teleost fish. Journal of Immunology 2015, 194 (10): 4974-4987. (通讯作者)
11. Li S, Lu L F, Feng H, Wu N, Chen D D, Zhang Y B, Gui J F, Nie P & Zhang Y A*. IFN regulatory factor 10 is a negative regulator of the IFN responses in fish. Journal of Immunology 2014, 193 (3): 1100-1109. (通讯作者)
12. Zhang Y A#, Salinas I#, Li J, Parra D, Bjork S J, Xu Z, LaPatra S E, Bartholomew J L& Sunyer J O. IgT, a primitive immunoglobulin class specialized in mucosal immunity. Nature Immunology 2010, 11 (9): 827-835. (并列第一作者)
13. Zhang Y A#, Hikima J-I#, Li J, LaPatra S E, Luo Y P & Sunyer J O. Conservation of structural and functional features in a primordial CD80/86 molecule from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), a primitive teleost fish. Journal of Immunology 2009, 183: 83-96. (并列第一作者)
14. Chang C-I#, Zhang Y A#, Zou J, Nie P & Secombes C J. Two cathelicidin genes are present in both rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2006, 50: 185-195. (并列第一作者)
15. Li J, Barreda D R#, Zhang Y A#, Boshra H, Gelman A E, LaPatra S, Tort L & Sunyer J O. B lymphocytes from early vertebrates have potent phagocytic and microbicidal abilities. Nature Immunology 2006, 7: 1116-1124. (并列第二作者)
1.张永安, 郭霞, 陈丹丹. 一种枯草芽孢杆菌制剂及制备方法和应用. 中国发明专利, ZL201510154074.5
2. 张永安, 陈丹丹, 郭霞. 一种枯草芽孢杆菌GC5表面展示GCRV VP7蛋白的重组芽孢及制备方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201510041532.4
国家杰出青年基金获得者;担任中国水产学会鱼病学专业委员会秘书长、亚洲发育与比较免疫学会理事;兼任Frontiers in Immunology以及Fish & Shellfish Immunology杂志编委。