
职称 教授
学位 博士
政治面貌 九三学社社员
电话 027-87281685
邮箱 youguoli@mail.hzau.edu.cn
长期从事根瘤菌共生固氮的分子机理与应用研究。曾在Science、Trends in Microbiology、New Phytol、Plant Physiol等刊物发表研究论文。揭示了共生双方控制类菌体分化、共生固氮及衰老的基因网络和互作途径。同时,开展根瘤菌接种剂、微生物肥料等研制和应用,获批国家发明专利2项。阐明了华癸根瘤菌7653R共生质粒的起源和宿主特异性;解析了类菌体分化及共生固氮的核心基因网络。发现和阐明脂质转移蛋白参与宿主植物合成脂质DGDG向共生体膜的转移及菌植蛋白互作,且是共生体形成和根瘤发育的必要条件。报道了根瘤中特异表达的半胱氨酸蛋白酶与根瘤衰老的关系。
1. 国家重点研发计划,大豆高效生物固氮关键基因克隆及其调控机制(2016YFD0100702),2016/07-2020/12,975万元
2. 国家重点研发计划,大豆化肥替代技术研究及湖北省大豆化肥农药减施技术示范推广(2018YFD0201006-2),2018/07-2020/12,70万元
3. 国家863计划,新型农业微生物肥效制剂的创制(2013AA102802-04),2013/01-2017/12,30万元
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,华癸根瘤菌外膜蛋白MhOpa22在共生结瘤中的菌植互作机制研究(31970267),2020/01-2023/12,58万元
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,紫云英类受体激酶AsNIP43在根瘤菌侵染中的共生互作机制研究(31670243),2017/01-2020/12,61万元
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,脂质转移蛋白基因AsE246 在根瘤菌侵染和共生体发育中的共生互作机制研究(31371549),2014/01-2017/12,88万元
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,华癸中慢生根瘤菌7653R 共生固氮新基因dmtH 的鉴定和功能研究(30970074),2010/01-2012/12,30万元
1. Donglai Zhou, Yanan Li, Xuting Wang, Fuli Xie, Dasong Chen, Binguang Ma, Youguo Li*. Mesorhizobium huakuii HtpG Interaction with nsLTP AsE246 Is Required for Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation. Plant Physiology. 2019, 180 (1): 509-528
2. Si Z, Yang Q, Liang R, Chen L, Chen D, Li Y*. Digalactosyldiacylglycerol Synthase Gene MtDGD1 Plays an Essential Role in Nodule Development and Nitrogen Fixation. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 2019, 32(9):1196-1209
3. Xie Fuli, Zhao Wenlong, Wang Xiao, Zhang Jing, Hao Baohai, Zou Zhengzheng, Ma Bin-Guang, and Li Youguo* (2017). A Genome-Wide Prediction and Identification of Intergenic Small RNAs by Comparative Analysis in Mesorhizobium huakuii 7653R. Front Microbiol, 8: 1730
4. Feng Wei, Lei Lei, Fangfang Chen, Mei Wu, Dasong Chen, Youguo Li*, Identification and Symbiotic Phenotype Characterization of an OPDA Reductase Gene AsOPR1 in Chinese Milk Vetch. Plant Mol Biol Rep (2017). doi:10.1007/s11105-017-1038-y
5. Xiaobo Zeng,Qinqin Wu,Dasong Chen,Fuli Xie*,Youguo Li*,Phylogenetic analysis and symbiotic functional characterization of opa22-homologousgenes in three rhizobial strains,European Journal of Soil Biology (2016), (73): 15-25
6. Jianyun Wang, Zaiyong Si, Fang Li, Xiaobo Xiong, Lei Lei, Fuli Xie, Dasong Chen, Yixing Li*, Youguo Li* (2015). A purple acid phosphatase plays a role in nodule formation and nitrogen fixation in Astragalus sinicus. Plant Molecular Biology, 88 (6): 515-29
7. Lei, L., L. Chen, X. Shi, Y. Li, J. Wang, D. Chen, F. Xie and Y. Li* (2014). A nodule-specific lipid transfer protein AsE246 participates in transport of plant-synthesized lipids to symbiosome membrane and is essential for nodule organogenesis in Chinese milk vetch. Plant Physiol 164 (2): 1045-1058
8. Shanming Wang, Baohai Hao, Jiarui Li, Jieli Peng, Fuli Xie, Xinyin Zhao, Christian Frech, Nansheng Chen*, Binguang Ma*, Youguo Li* (2014). Whole-genome sequencing of Mesorhizobium huakuii 7653R provides molecular insights into host specificity and symbiosis island dynamics. BMC Genomics, 15: 440
9. Peng, J., B. Hao, L. Liu, S. Wang, B. Ma, Y. Yang, F. Xie and Y. Li* (2014). RNA-Seq and Microarrays Analyses Reveal Global Differential Transcriptomes of Mesorhizobium huakuii 7653R between Bacteroids and Free-Living Cells. PLoS ONE 9 (4): e93626
10. Xie F , Cheng G , Xu H , Wang Z , Lei L , Li Y* (2011). Identification of a Novel Gene for Biosynthesis of a Bacteroid-Specific Electron Carrier Menaquinone. PLoS ONE 6(12): e28995. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028995
11. Yixing Li, Lei Zhou, Youguo Li*, Dasong Chen, Xuejuan Tan, Lei Lei and Junchu Zhou* (2008). A nodule-specific plant cysteine proteinase, AsNODF32, is involved in nodule senescence and nitrogen fixation activity of the green manure legume Astragalus sinicus. New Phytologist, 180: 185-192
12. Jiang Ke Yang, Tian Ying Yuan, Wei Tao Zhang, Jun Chu Zhou, You Guo Li* (2008). Polyphasic characterization of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) rhizobia from different geographical regions of China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40: 1681-1688
13. Jonathan D. Todd, Rachel Rogers, You Guo Li, Margaret Wexler, Philip L. Bond, Lei Sun, Andrew R. J. Curson, Gill Malin, Michael Steinke, Andrew W. B. Johnston* (2007). Structural and Regulatory Genes Required to Make the Gas Dimethyl Sulfide in Bacteria. Science, Vol. 315: 666-669
14. Y. Li, M. Wexler, D. J. Richardson, P. L. Bond and A. W. B. Johnston* (2005). Screening a Wide Host-range, Waste-water Metagenomic Library in Tryptophan Auxotrophs of Rhizobium leguminosarum and of Escherichia coli Reveals Different Classes of Cloned trp Genes. Environmental Microbiology, 7(12), 1927-1936
15. A. W. B. Johnston*, Youguo Li and Lesley Ogilvie (2005). Metagenomic Marine Nitrogen Fixation - Feast or Famine? Trends in Microbiology, 13(9): 416-420
1. 李友国,陈龙男. 一种复合微生物拌种剂及其制备方法和应用. 中国发明专利,201410442481.1
2. 黄巧云, 陈雯莉, 李友国, 雷磊, 王珂征, 何小川. 吸附重金属镉的重组恶臭假单胞杆菌CH01及其应用. 中国发明专利,200910273441.8
Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Plant Symbiotic Interactions (specialty section of Frontiers in Plant Science)
1. 2019 年10 月 10-15日,第二十一届国际固氮大会 21st International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation,中国武汉,地方组委会成员和分会场主席
2. 2019年9月21-25日,第四届国际植物氮素营养大会 4th International Symposium on the Nitrogen Nutrition of Plants (ISNNP),江苏南京。大会报告"Purple Acid Phosphatase MtPAP2 Is Required for Nodulation and Enhances Symbiotic N2 Fixation in Medicago truncatula"
3. 2014年10月28-30日,第三届亚洲植物-微生物共生和固氮会议 3rd Asian Conference on Plant-Microbe Symbiosis and Nitrogen Fixation,中国成都。大会报告"A Purple Acid Phosphatase Protein AsPPD1 Is Essential for Nodule Formation and Nitrogen Fixation in Chinese Milk Vetch"
4. 2013年10月14-18日,第十八届国际固氮大会 18th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation,Miyazaki,日本。分会场报告"A DGDG-binding lipid transfer protein gene is essential for N2-fixing symbiosome biogenesis and nodule organogenesis in Astragalus sinicus"
5. 2011年11月27日-12月1日,第十七届国际固氮大会 17th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation,Fremantle,澳大利亚。分会场报告"Identification of a Novel Gene for Biosynthesis of a Bacteroid-specific Electron Carrier Menaquinone"