Yonggang Hu
Position: Professor
Email: yongganghu@mail.hzau.edu.cn
Research area: Environmental Microbiology, Biosensor.
Ph.D. 1994 Wuhan University, China
M.Sc. 1991 Wuhan University, China
B.Sc. 1987 Wuhan University, China
2008 -now Professor, Huazhong Agricultural University, China
2005-2008 Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
2000-2005 Associate Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
1997-2000 Postdoctoral Fellow, Xiamen University, China
Representative publications
1) Sun, Xuan; Wang, Yu; Zhang, Lu; Liu, Sha; Zhang, Man; Wang, Jiang; Ning, Baoan; Peng, Yuan; He, Jing; Hu, Yonggang#; Gao, Zhixian#; CRISPR-Cas9 Triggered Two-Step Isothermal Amplification Method for E. coli O157:H7 Detection Based on a Metal-Organic Framework Platform, Analtical Chemistry, 2020, 92(4): 3032 −3041.
2) Sun, Xuan; Fei, Ruihua; Zhang, Lu; Huo, Bingyang; Wang, Yu; Peng, Yuan; Ning, Baoan; He, Jing; Gao, Zhixian#; Hu, Yonggang#; Bio-barcode triggered isothermal amplification in a fluorometric competitive immunoassay for the phytotoxin abrin, Microchimica Acta, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s00604-019-3961-0.
3) Qin, Yuqing; Peng, Fei; Hu, Yonggang#; Rapid catalytic oxidation of As(III) to As(V) using a Bacillus spore-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl system, Green Chemistry, 2019, 21(9): 2286 −2294.
4) Xiang, Yuqiang; Zhang, Yao; Sun, Xuan; Chai, Yanyan; Xu, Xiangdong#; Hu, Yonggang#; Rapid Self-Assembly of Au Nanoparticles on Rigid Mesoporous Yeast-Based Microspheres for Sensitive Immunoassay, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(50), 43450 −43461.
5) Lan, Lijuan; Zheng, Bingjie; Zhang, Yao; Hu, Yonggang#; Rapid and effective removal of As(III) and As(V) using spore@Ti4+ microspheres, Chemosphere, 2018, 206: 742 −749.
6) Xia, Miaomiao; Li, Zheng ; Chen, Yingyu; Xiang, Yuqiang; Yang, Li; Zhao, Xiangwei; Guo, Aizhen; Chen, Huanchun; Tan, Chen#; Hu Yonggang#; Protein self-assembly via Zr4+ ions on spore-based microspheres for immunoassays, Sensor and Actuators B-Chemical, 2018, 254: 166 −176.
7) Fei, Ruihua; Tan, Chen; Huang, Yue; Chen, Huanchun; Guo, Aizhen; Wang, Hailin; Hu, Yonggang#; Self-Assembled Ti4+@Biospore Microspheres for Sensitive DNA Analysis, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9 (40), 34696–34705.
8) Fei, Ruihua; Zhang, Tongtong; Huang, Yue; Hu Yonggang#; Highly selective enrichment of phosphorylated proteins by using Spore@Fe3+ microspheres, Analytical Chimica Acta, 2017, 986:161 −170.
9) Zeng, Zhiming; Zhong, Yin; Yang, Huicui; Fei, Ruihua; Zhou, Rui; Luque, Rafael; Hu, Yonggang#; Naturally nano: synthesis of versatile bio-inpired monodisperse microspheres from Bacillus spores and their applications, Green Chemistry, 2016,18(1):186 −196
10) Zhang, Xinya; Zhou, Qian; Shen, Zhongfeng; Li, Zheng; Fei, Ruihua; Hu, Shen#; Hu, Yonggang#; Quantum dot incorporated Bacillus spore as nanosensor for viral infection, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 74, 575–580.
11) Zeng, Zhiming; Tian, Longjian; Li, Zheng; Jia, Lina; Zhang, Xinya; Xia, Miaomiao; Hu, Yonggang#; Whole-cell method for phenol detection based on the color reaction of phenol with 4-aminoantipyrine catalyzed by CotA laccase on endorspore surfaces, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 69, 162–166.
12) Jia, Lina; Fei, Ruihua; Zhang, Xinya; Tang, Haixia; Hu, Yonggang#; Sustainable Endospore-Based Microreactor System for Antioxidant Capacity Assay, Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 11578 −11585.
13) Zhang, Yun; Tan, Chen; Fei, Ruihua; Liu, Xiaoxiao; Zhou, Yuan; Chen, Jing; Chen, Huanchun; Zhou, Rui; Hu, Yonggang#; Sensitive Chemiluminescence Immunoassay for E. coli O157:H7 Detection with Signal Dual-Amplification Using Glucose Oxidase and Laccase, Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 1115 −1122.