Featured Publications
- 2025年03月05日【Science】Base-modified nucleotides mediate immune signaling in bacteria
- 2025年03月05日【Nucleic Acids Research】A mobile genetic element-derived primase-polymerase harbors multiple activities implicated in DNA replication and repair
- 2025年03月05日【Molecular Plant】An enhancer–promoter-transcription factor module orchestrates plant immune homeostasis by constraining camalexin biosynthesis
- 2025年03月05日【Nature Communications】GGCX promotes Eurasian avian-like H1N1 swine influenza virus adaption to interspecies receptor binding
- 2025年03月05日【Advanced Science】A Novel Nuclear Protein Complex Controlling the Expression of Developmentally Regulated Genes in Toxoplasma Gondii
- 2024年12月11日【PNAS】CXCL13 promotes broad immune responses induced by circular RNA vaccines
- 2024年12月10日【Nature Communications】An effector essential for virulence of necrotrophic fungi targets plant HIRs to inhibit host immunity
- 2024年12月10日【Nature Plants】Mechanistic study of SCOOPs recognition by MIK2–BAK1 complex reveals the role of N-glycans in plant ligand–receptor–coreceptor complex formation
- 2020年04月01日2019年代表性论文