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农业微生物学国家重点实验室公共技术平台(以下简称公共技术平台)围绕实验室的科研工作需求,逐步形成了特色鲜明的高分辨显微平台、分子互作平台、细胞高通量筛选平台、色谱质谱平台等大型公用设备平台,致力于立足实验室、面向全校并向武汉及周边地区辐射的技术服务理念。我们追求高质量的技术服务,同时我们也要求用户在公共技术平台完成科研工作、获取研究数据并据此发表相关成果(论文、著作等)时应予以致谢。我们建议致谢(Acknowledgment材料和方法(Materials and Methods部分文字格式规范如下:

一.致谢范例 Acknowledgment examples


Example1- Acknowledgement: Structured Illumination MicroscopySIM/ Flow cytometry/ Surface plasmon resonanceSPRdata were acquired at the State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology Core Facility


Example2- Acknowledgement: We would like to thank the State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology Core Facility for assistance in Structured Illumination MicroscopySIM/ Flow cytometry/ Surface plasmon resonanceSPR, and we would be grateful to XX for his/her support of sample preparation, data acquisition and analysis.

二.材料和方法范例 Materials and Methods examples


使用尼康结构光照明显微镜(N-SIM)对细菌进行超分辨率成像。荧光信号由488nm激光器激发,经500-545nm带通滤光片后由100x NA1.49物镜(Nikon CFI Apo TIRF)收集信号,最终使用EMCCD相机(Andor iXon DU-897)采集图片。SIM图片的采集控制以及重建都是在尼康NIS-Elements软件上进行。

Nikon Structured Illumination Microscope(N-SIM) was used for super-resolution microscopy imaging of the bacteria. Images were captured with an EMCCD camera (Andor iXon DU-897) and a100 x 1.49 NA TIRF objective (Nikon CFI Apo TIRF). The fluorescence was excited by a 488nm laser and collected by a bandpass emission filter(500–545 nm). Image acquisition and reconstruction were performed with Nikon NIS-Elements software.


Cell sorting was performed with a Moflo XDP cell sorter (Beckman Coulter) equipped with a 488 nm blue laser, a 355 nm ultraviolet (UV) laser and a 635 nm red laser.

Samples were analyzed with a Cytoflex LX/ Cytoflex flow cytometer (Beckman Coulter) with at least 10,000 recorded events per sample. Data were analyzed with FlowJo/ Kaluza software.



SPR assays were operated on a CM5 chip using Biacore T200 instrument (GE Healthcare Life Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden). All solutions were prepared with ultrapure water and filtered using 0.22µm membrane filter. All experiments carried out with Biacore T200 were controlled at 25±1 and the Biacore T200 flowing system was primed with running buffer before analysis.