职称 教授
学位 博士
电话 027-87286952
邮箱 lilin@mail.hzau.edu.cn
研究方向 假单胞菌功能基因与生物技术
2000.07-2002.07,韩国Pohang University of Science and Technology,博士后
2003.01-2004.12,德国Max-Planck-Institut fuer InfektionsBiologie,博士后
1. 国家自然科学基金,利用II型CRISPR-Cas9系统改造锰氧化假单胞菌T34及用于生物模板法构建高势能电极材料的研究(31770108),2018/12-2021/12,60万元
2. 国家自然科学基金,丁香假单胞菌GntR/HutC类转录调控因子InpR调控网络解析与调控冰核基因分子机制研究(31570123),2016/01-2019/12,65万元,已结题
3. 国家重点基础研究计划(973计划)课题,细菌侵染线虫的分子机制(2013CB127504),2013/01-2017/08,590万元,已结题
4. 湖北省公益性科技研究项目,广谱高效的苏云金芽孢杆菌纳米工程菌制剂的研制与应用技术研究(2012DBA10001),2013/01-2014/12,10万元,已结题
5. 国家自然科学基金,土壤细菌生物氧化Mn(II)的分子机制研究(31270158),2013/01-2016/12,78万元,已结题
6. 国家自然科学基金,丁香假单胞菌冰核蛋白跨膜分泌效应分子的研究(31070111),2011/01-2013/12,34万元,已结题
7. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划),基于组学分析和代谢工程技术分析的苏云金杆菌高毒力菌种的选育(2008AA02Z112),2018/01-2010/12,98万元,已结题
1. Anum Bashir, Tian Tian, Xun Yu, Cui Meng, Muhammad Ali, Lin Li*. Pyoverdine-mediated killing of Caenorhabditis elegans by Pseudomonas syringae MB03 and the role of iron in its pathogenicity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020, 21:2198. (通讯作者)
2. Zhen Zhang, Zhiyong Ruan, Jin Liu, Chang Liu, Fuming Zhang, Robert J. Linhardt, Lin Li*. Complete degradation of bisphenol A and nonylphenol by a composite of biogenic managanese oxides and Escherichia coli cells with surface-displayed multicopper oxidase CotA. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 362: 897-908. (通讯作者)
3. Zhen Zhang, Jin Liu, Jin Fan, Zhiyong Wang, Lin Li*. Detection of catechol using an electrochemical biosensor based on engineered Escherichia coli cells that surface-display laccase. Analytica Chimica Acta 2018, 1009: 65-72. (通讯作者)
4. Abdul Manan, Zahoor Ahmad Bazai, Jin Fan, Huafu Yu, Lin Li*. The Nif3-family protein YqfO03 from Pseudomonas syringae MB03 has multiple nematicidal activities against Caenorhabditis elegans and Meloidogyne incognita. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2018, 19, 3915. (通讯作者)
5. Zhiyong Wang, Jieping Wang, Jin Liu, Hong Chen, Mingshun Li, Lin Li*. Mechanistic insights into manganese oxidation of a soil-borne Mn(II)-oxidizing Escherichia coli strain by global proteomic and genetic analyses. Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 1352(通讯作者)
6. Penggao Hu, Zhongna Zhang, Fei Shen, Xun Yu, Mingshun Li, Hong Ni, Lin Li*. Poly-g-glutamic acid coupled Pseudomonas putida cells surface-displaying metallothioneins: composited copper(II) biosorption and inducible flocculation in aqueous solution. RSC Advances 2017, 7: 18578-18587.(通讯作者)
7. Lin Li*, Zhenmin Chen, Ziniu Yu. Mass production, application, and market development of Bacillus thuringiensis biopesticides in China. In: Bacillus thuringiensis and Lysinibacillus sphaericus, Fiuza LM et al (eds.), Springer International Publishing AG 2017. ISBN: 978-3-319-56677-1. pp. 185-212, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-56678-8_12.(通讯作者)
8. Xu Qin, Xuemei Xiang, Xiaowen Sun, Hong Ni, Lin Li*. Preparation of nanoscale Bacillus thuringiensis chitinases using silica nanoparticles for nematicide delivery. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2016, 82: 13-21. (通讯作者)
9. Hua Li, Penggao Hu, Xiuyun Zhao, Ziniu Yu, Lin Li*. Bacillus thuringiensis peptidoglycan hydrolase SleB171 involved in daughter cell separation during cell division. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 2016, 48(4): 354-362. (通讯作者)
10. Muhammad Ali, Yu Sun, Li Xie, Huafu Yu, Anum Bashir, Lin Li*. The pathogenicity of Pseudomonas syringae MB03 against Caenorhabditis elegans and the transcriptional response of nematicidal genes upon different nutritional conditions. Frontiers in Microbiology 2016, 7: 805. (通讯作者)
11. Jin Liu, Luming Tan, Jing Wang, Zhiyong Wang, Hong Ni, Lin Li*. Complete biodegradation of chlorpyrifos by engineered Pseudomonas putida cells expressing surface-immobilized laccases. Chemosphere 2016, 157: 200-207. (通讯作者)
12. Zhen Zhang, Zhongming Zhang, Hong Chen, Jin Liu, Chang Liu, Hong Ni, Changsong Zhao, Muhammad Ali, Fan Liu, Lin Li*. Surface Mn(II) oxidation actuated by a multicopper oxidase in a soil bacterium leads to the formation of manganese oxide minerals. Scientific Reports 2015, 5: 10895 (通讯作者)
13. Hong Ni, Siquan Zeng, Xu Qin, Xiaowen Sun, Shan Zhang, Xiuyun Zhao, Ziniu Yu, Lin Li*. Molecular docking and site-directed mutagenesis of a Bacillus thuringiensis chitinase to improve chitinolytic, synergistic lepidopteran-larvicidal and nematicidal activities. International Journal of Biological Sciences 2015, 11(3): 304-315. (通讯作者)
14. Hong Ni, Zhe Xiong, Ting Ye, Zhen Zhang, Xiaofeng Ma, Lin Li*. Biosorption of copper(II) from aqueous solutions using volcanic rock matrix-immobilized Pseudomonas putida cells with surface-displayed cyanobacterial metallothioneins. Chemical Engineering Journal 2012, 204-205: 264-271. (通讯作者)
15. Wei Wang, Zhen Zhang, Hong Ni, Xiaomeng Yang, Qianqian Li, and Lin Li*. Decolorization of industrial synthetic dyes using engineered Pseudomonas putida cells with surface-immobilized bacterial laccase. Microbial Cell Factories 2012, 11: 75. (通讯作者)
16. Qianqian Li, Qi Yan, Jinsi Chen, Yan He, Jing Wang, Hongxing Zhang, Ziniu Yu, and Lin Li*. Molecular characterization of an ice nucleation protein variant (InaQ) from Pseudomonas syringae and the analysis of its transmembrane transport activity in Escherichia coli. International Journal of Biological Sciences 2012; 8(8):1097-1108.(通讯作者)
17. Xiaohu Shao, Hong Ni, Ting LU, Mengtian Jiang, Hua Li, Xinfeng Huang, Lin Li*. An improved system for the surface immobilisation of proteins on Bacillus thuringiensis vegetative cells and spores through a new spore cortex-lytic enzyme anchor. New Biotechnology 2012, 29(3): 302-310.(通讯作者)
18. Lin Li*, Ziniu Yu. Genetically Modified Bacillus thuringiensis Biopesticides. In: Bacillus thuringiensis Biotechnology. Ed. Estibaliz Sansinenea. Springer publishing, 2012. pp. 231-258. ISBN: 978-94-007-3020-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-3021-2. (通讯作者)
1. 李林,谭璐明,王智勇,张震. 一种锰氧化假单胞菌T34及生物氧化锰制备方法和降解环丙沙星的应用. 国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201410387871.3.
2. 李林,汤浪,白志强, 刘瑾. 一种利用壳聚糖为载体制备的生物复合材料及应用.国家发明专利, 专利号: 201510195759.4
3. 李林,向雪梅. 一种纳米Bt复配杀虫剂及制备方法与应用.国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201410189514.6.
4. 李林,秦旭,孙孝文,顾桐,张震. 一种丁香假单胞菌及其筛选方法和在杀灭线虫中的应用.国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL201410199803.4
5. 李林,白志强,汤浪,张震. 一种壳聚糖珠的制备方法及其制备装置.国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201310741611.7