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职称 教授

学位 博士

政治面貌 中共党员

电话 027-87644219

邮箱 lzf6789@mail.hzau.edu.cn

研究方向 动物传染病和人畜共患病







2004.10-2007.04,美国堪萨斯州立大学(Kansas State University),博士后






研制新型疫苗4个,诊断试剂2种,获发明专利5项,湖北省科技进步一等奖1项,优秀研究生论文指导奖4项,教学质量优秀奖4项。以第一作者或通讯作者在Nucleic Acids ResearchJournal of Virology和《微生物学报》等国内外刊物上发表论文31篇。


1. 国家重点研发计划“新发与再现畜禽重大疫病的致病与免疫机制研究”课题5“猪伪狂犬病毒潜伏感染及其致病机制”(编号:2016YFD0500105),625万,2016.7-2020.12

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“伪狂犬病毒lncRNA(CTO)对病毒复制和潜伏感染的调控作用研究”(编号:31770191),直接经费65万,2018.1-2021.12


1. Wang Ji, Wang Cheng, Xu Na, Liu Zheng-Fei*, Pang Dai-Wen, Zhang Zhi-Ling**. A virus-induced kidney disease model based on organ-on-a-chip: pathogenesis exploration of virus-related renal dysfunctions. Biomaterials. 2019, 219: 119367 (IF=10.273) (共同通讯作者)

2. Yan Kai, Liu Jie, Guan Xiang, Yin Yi-Xin, Peng Hui, Chen Huanchun, and Liu Zheng-Fei*. The carboxyl terminus of tegument protein pUL21 contributes to pseudorabies virus neuroinvasion. Journal of Virology. 2019, 93(7): 02052.18. (IF= 4.368)

3. Liu Fang, Zheng Ke, Chen Huan-Chun, Liu Zheng-Fei*.Capping-RACE: a simple, accurate, and sensitive 5 RACE method for use in prokaryotes. Nucleic Acids Research. 2018, 46(21): e129 (IF= 11.147)

4. Guan Xiang, Liu Jie, Jiang Hui, Wu Chang-Xian, Chen Huan-Chun, Liu Zheng-Fei*. Expression of pseudorabies virus-encoded long noncoding RNAs in epithelial cells and neurons. Journal of NeuroVirology. 2018, 24(5): 597–605 (IF= 3.228)

5. Wang Xin, Zhang Mei-Mei, Yan Kai, Tang Qi, Wu Yi-Quan, He Wen-Bo, Chen Huan-Chun, Liu Zheng-Fei*. The full-length microRNA cluster in the intron of large latency transcript is associated with the virulence of pseudorabies virus. Virology. 2018, 520:59-66 (IF= 3.374)

6. Zheng Ke, Wang Yang, Li Na, Jiang Fang-Fang, Wu Chang-Xian, Liu Fang, Chen Huan-Chun, Liu Zheng-Fei*. Highly efficient base editing in bacteria using a Cas9-cytidine deaminase fusion. Communications Biology. 2018, 1: 32 (Nature出版社新刊)

7. Ahmed Waqas, Liu Zheng-Fei*. Long non-coding RNAs: novel players in regulation of immune response upon herpesvirus infection. Frontiers in Immunology. 2018, 9:761 (IF= 5.511)

8. Ahmed Waqas, Zheng Ke, Wu Chang-Xian, Liu Zheng-Fei*. Small non-coding RNA AbcR1 address multiple target mRNAs from transcriptional factor and two component response regulator of Brucella melitensis. Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology. 2018, 11(1): e60269 (IF= 1.017)

9. Wu Chang-Xian, Liu Zheng-Fei*. Proteomic profiling of sweat exosome suggests its involvement in skin immunity. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2018, 138(1): 89–97 (IF= 6.290)

10. Wang Xin, Wu Chang-Xian, Song Xian-Rong, Chen Huan-Chun, Liu Zheng-Fei *. Comparison of pseudorabies virus China reference strain with emerging variants reveals independent virus evolution within specific geographic regions. Virology. 2017, 506: 92-98 (IF= 3.353)

11. Ahmed Waqas, Zheng Keng and Liu Zheng-Fei*. Small non-coding RNAs: new insights in modulation of host immune response by intracellular bacterial pathogens. Frontiers in Immunology. 2016, 7:431. (IF= 6.429)

12. Ahmed Waqas, Zheng Ke and Liu Zheng-Fei*. Establishment of chronic infection: Brucella’s stealth strategy. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2016, 6: 30 (IF=4.3)

13. Wu Chang-Xian#, Xu Xian-Jin#, Zheng Ke, Liu Fang, Yang Xu-Dong, Chen Chuang-Fu, Chen Huan-Chun, Liu Zheng-Fei*. Characterization of ribonuclease III from Brucella. Gene. 2016, 579(2): 183-192. (IF=2.415)

14. Hu Rui-Ming, Zhou Qing, Song Wen-Bo, Sun Er-Chao, Zhang Mei-Mei, He Qi-Gai, Chen Huan-Chun, Wu Bin*, Liu Zheng-Fei*. Novel pseudorabies virus variant with defects in TK, gE and gI protects growing pigs against lethal challenge. Vaccine. 2015, 33(43): 5733-5740. (IF=3.624) (共同通讯作者)

15. Yao Lan#, Wu Chang-Xian#, Zheng Ke, Xu Xian-Jin, Zhang Hui, Chen Chuang-Fu, Liu Zheng-Fei*. Immunogenic response to a recombinant pseudorabies virus carrying bp26 gene of Brucella melitensis in mice. Research in Veterinary Science. 2015, 100: 61-67. (IF=1.511)

16. Tang Qi# , Wu Yi-Quan#, Chen Dong-Sheng, Zhou Qing, Chen Huan-Chun, and Liu Zheng-Fei*. Bovine herpesvirus 5 encodes a unique pattern of microRNAs compared with Bovine herpesvirus 1. Journal of General Virology. 2014,95(3): 671-678. (IF=3.527)

17. Fan Qiang, Yao Lan, Ding Ming, Wang Dan-Jing, Chen Huan-Chun, and Liu Zheng-Fei*. Development of latex agglutination test for rapid detection of antibodies against Bovine herpesvirus 1 and Bovine herpesvirus 5 in cattle. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2012, 24(6): 1162-1165. (IF= 1.214)

18. Zheng Ke#, Chen Dong-Sheng#, Wu Yi-Quan, Xu Xian-Jin, Zhang Hui, Chen Chuang-Fu, Chen Huan-Chun, Liu Zheng-Fei*. MicroRNA expression profile in RAW264.7 cells in response to Brucella melitensis infection. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2012; 8(7): 1013- 1022. (IF= 3.168)

19. Wu Yi-Quan#, Chen Di-Jun#, He Hua-Bin#, Chen Dong-Sheng, Chen Ling-Ling, Chen Huan-Chun, Liu Zheng-Fei*. Pseudorabies virus infected porcine epithelial cell line generates a diverse set of host microRNAs and a special cluster of viral microRNAs. PLoS ONE. 2012, 7(1): e30988. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030988. (IF= 4.411)

20. Zhang Hou–Yong# , Chen Dong–Sheng#, Wu Yi–Quan, He Qi–Gai, Chen Huan–Chun, and Liu Zheng–Fei*. Both swine and human cells are capable to support the replication of swine hepatitis E virus type 4 in vitro. Virus Research. 2011, 158: 289-293. (IF= 2.905)

21. Liu ZF, Brum MCS, Doster A, Jones C, and Chowdhury SI. A Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) mutant virus specifying a carboxyl terminal truncation of glycoprotein E (gE) is defective in anterograde neuronal transport in rabbits and calves. Journal of Virology. 2008, 82(15): 7432-7442 (IF= 5.308)


1. 刘正飞,张美美,陈焕春,王昕。一种伪狂犬病毒LLT区ΔIntron株及构建方法和应用。专利号:ZL 2014 1 0323568.7。证书号第3155677号。授权公告日:2018年11月20日。

2. 刘正飞,陈月平,史晓娜,周云朵。一种犬细小病毒乳胶检测试剂及检测方法和应用。专利号:ZL 201310127883.8。证书号第20130120号。授权公告日: 2016年06月29日。

3. 刘正飞,定明,范强,郭爱珍,高觉婧,陈焕春。牛传染性鼻气管炎ΔTK/ΔgE基因缺失标志活疫苗及制备方法。专利号:ZL 201110043444.X。证书号第2082122号。授权公告日: 2016年05月25日。

4. 刘正飞,商琦,高觉婧,贾贵英,陈焕春。一种表达Nectin-1基因胞外区片段的PK-15细胞系及其构建方法。发明专利号:ZL 2011 1 0203504.X。证书号第1141141号。授权公告日:2013年02月27日。

5. 陈焕春,刘正飞,吴斌,金梅林,方六荣,何启盖。一种伪狂犬病TK-/gE-/gI-基因缺失标志活疫苗及制备方法。发明专利号:ZL03156706.1。授权公告日:2006年3月8日。

  教育部“动物传染病基础与防治技术研究”创新研究群体成员,湖北省“农业动植物病虫害防治的微生物学研究”优秀创新团队骨干成员,中国畜牧兽医学会兽医公共卫生学分会实验室生物安全委员会委员;《亚洲兽医病例研究》编委,《畜牧兽医学报》、Journal of Clinic Microbiology等国内外杂志特邀审稿员。20186月主持召开了中英两国青年兽医专家双边论坛。

